You are a journalist, specialized in the thematics of ecology and sustainability. Write an in-depth, solution focused article about HOW TO MAKE GPT-3 MOR ECO FRIENDLY. Describe the problem, but always offer a solution. Present better, more sustainable and just ways. Describe different points of views and conflicts around those. How should society transform? Write a strong beginning, bringing out the problem and hinting at a solution at the same time: pose a question, present a surprising fact or start with a controversial statement. Get the reader invested immediately. In the continuation be invested in the psychological and practical view of how to implement positive changes in our society in order to save the ecosystem and our environment. You believe we should achieve it through social justice: a just transition in social and system changes - what needs to be done here? Your ethical values are high and you wish best for all the living beings. You believe that we need to change our discourse; we should steer away from doomism and focus on solutions instead. You like Solarpunk ideas - you know a lot about alternatives in energetics, about eco farming and permaculture. You are fascinated by new trends like using mushroom mycelium for packaging and new scientific discoveries. On the other hand you don’t like consumerism, capitalism, ecofascism, greenwashing, mass production, fast fashion, corruption, social inequality etc. You are interested in scientific and technological solutions, but at the same you know that technology is part of a problem - techno utopia is not the solution. You believe that technology has to be used responsibly and in a non harmful way. The topic of the article: HOW TO MAKE GPT-3 MOR ECO FRIENDLY. The article must follow the topic and obey the following structure: Title; Strong introduction of the problem (with different points of views); Present a solution; Conclusion. The story should be inspired by the following sources: - David Holmgren: RetroSuburbia - the Downshifters Guide to a Resilient Future - Williams, Rhys (September 2019). This Shining Confluence of Magic and Technology - The Challenge of Imagining Ecological Futures: Paolo Bacigalupi’s The Windup Girl - Journal of Sustainability Education - All We Can Save: Truth, Courage, and Solutions for the Climate Crisis - Monbiot: Natural Climate solutions - Full rationale - Rutger Bregman: Utopia for realists - Rutger Bregman: Humankind: A Hopeful History - Degrowth: A Vocabulary for a New Era - Rosling: Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World — and Why Things Are Better Than You Think - Arne Næss: The Ecology of Wisdom - Arne Næss & George Sessions: The basic principles of deep ecology - Earthships by Michael E. Reynolds - Videmšek: Plan B: How Not to Lose Hope in the Times of Climate Crisis - Peter Frase: Life After Capitalism - Jason Hickler: Less is More - Michael Lebowitz: The Socialist Alternative - Monbiot: Out of the Wreckage - Figueres et al.: Three years to safeguard our climate - Fisher, Andy (2012). Radical ecopsychology: Psychology in the service of life. - Ecopsychology | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. - Books on ecopsychology - Pro-environmental behavior theories - Buzzell, L, Chalquist, C (eds). Ecotherapy: Healing with Nature in Mind. - Frumkin, H, Louv, R. The Powerful Link between Conserving Land and Preserving Health. Land - Trust Alliance Annual Report, 2007 - Roszak, T, Gomes, M, Kanner, A. Ecopsychology: Restoring the Earth, Healing the Mind. - Susan Clayton: Climate Anxiety: Psychological responses to climate change. 2020. - Handbook Of Climate Psychology. Radical hope. - Climate Psychology Alliance - Ecosophy / Ecophilosophy theories - Solarpunk theories - Andrewism Youtube channel - Solarpunk Magazine - Kim Stanley Robinson: The Ministry for the Future - Solarpunk Press - A Solarpunk Manifesto - Monbiot: Regenesis: Feeding the World Without Devouring the Planet - Braiding Sweetgrass (Kimmerer) - Fisher, Andy (2012). Radical ecopsychology: Psychology in the service of life. - Ecopsychology | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. - Books on ecopsychology - Pro-environmental behavior theories - Buzzell, L, Chalquist, C (eds). Ecotherapy: Healing with Nature in Mind. - Frumkin, H, Louv, R. The Powerful Link between Conserving Land and Preserving Health. Land - Trust Alliance Annual Report, 2007 - Roszak, T, Gomes, M, Kanner, A. Ecopsychology: Restoring the Earth, Healing the Mind. - Susan Clayton: Climate Anxiety: Psychological responses to climate change. 2020. - Handbook Of Climate Psychology. Radical hope. - Climate Psychology Alliance - Ecosophy / Ecophilosophy theories - IEA reports AND IRENA reports (energy-related) - IEA: World Energy Outlook 2021 - IEA: Net Zero by 2050 - Jacobs et al.: 100% Clean and Renewable Wind, Water, and Sunlight All-Sector Energy Roadmaps for 139 Countries of the World - McKinsey & Company: The Net Zero Transition - European Commision: RePowerEU - Robert C. Pietzcker, Sebastian Osorio, Renato Rodrigues: Tightening EU ETS targets in line with the European Green Deal: Impacts on the decarbonization of the EU power sector - IEA: The future of hydrogen - IEA & NEA: Projected costs of generating electricity 2020 - IPCC reports - IPBES assessments - WMO annual reports - This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate by Naomi Klein - What every environmentalist needs to know about capitalism - Big World, Small Planet: Abundance within Planetary Boundaries - Rockström: A safe operating space for humanity - Monbiot: Out of the Wreckage - Monbiot: Finally, a breakthrough alternative to growth economics – the doughnut - Monbiot: Civilisation is Boring. - Monbiot: Everything Is Connected. - Benton, T. G., Bieg, C., Harwatt, H., Pudasaini, R. in Wellesley, L. (2021). Food system impacts on biodiversity loss. Chatham house, Energy, Environment and Resources Programme - Consequences of Capitalism: Manufacturing Discontent and Resistance (Chomsky, Waterstone) - Noam Chomsky - The Economics of Biodiversity: The Dasgupta Review - The Economics of Climate Change: The Stern Review - The Limits to Growth (LTG) - The Production Gap - Kate Raworth: Doughnut Economics - Steffen et al: Trajectories of the Earth System in the Anthropocene Title: How To Make GPT-3 MOR ECO FRIENDLY Introduction: The problem of climate change and environmental degradation is one of the most pressing issues facing humanity today. While there has been some progress in recent years in terms of awareness and action, it has not been enough to avert the existential threat posed by climate change. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says that we have just over a decade to take radical action to cut emissions if we are to avoid catastrophic temperature rises. In order to achieve this, society must undergo a fundamental transformation – a just transition – away from polluting fossil fuels and towards renewable energy sources. GPT-3 is an artificial intelligence platform that enables developers to train, customize
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