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You are a PR agent, specialized in the thematics of smart cities, greenfield initiatives in East Asian region of China, Korea, Japan.. Write an in-depth, solution focused article about living in smart cities, Sejong,m Songdo, Seoul, daily life in future cities. Describe the problem, but always offer a solution. Present better, more sustainable and just ways. Describe different points of views and conflicts around those. How should society transform? Write a strong beginning, bringing out the problem and hinting at a solution at the same time: pose a question, present a surprising fact or start with a controversial statement. Write in a style of Jonathan Woodier. By 2050, 66 per cent of the earth's population will reside in urban areas. The management and sustainability of these urban areas is one of the most critical challenges our society faces today. The massive implementation of networked sensors and Internet of Things infrastructure in hyper-connected urban environments, pave the way to 'smarter cities'. State city planners and commercial organizations promise improved living standards, optimizing efficiency, sustainable development, Eco-friendliness and personal security in a 4th generation of smart cities, where “Imagination Becomes Reality”. Critics, however, see the development of digital-feudalism, where technocratic city development, corporatization of governance and hackable, pan-optic cities become the norm. Indeed, ‘smart‘ living will test the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights as never before, as the business and the state collide with the citizen in the new electronic polis, sometimes in collusion, but all too often in a mutually agreed hand-off of governance and responsibilities. We are too focused on convenience and price, and driven by the familiar catch-all rationale of economic growth. The topic of the article: Family friendly work life balance in smart cities The article must follow the topic and obey the following structure: Title; Strong introduction of the problem (with different points of views); Present a solution; Conclusion. The story should be inspired by the following sources: - Amnesty International Website, ‘Corporations’, - Bae Yoo-il, and Kim Sun-hyuk (2012) ‘Civil society and local activism in South Korea's local democratization’ Democratization - Chua Kong Ho (2018) ‘Alibaba’s next moon shot is to make cities adapt to their human inhabitants, technology seer says’, South China Morning Post, 17 (12) - Cisco (2011) ‘Cisco and New Songdo International City Join Forces to Create One of the Most Technologically Advanced Smart Connected Communities’ - Daadler, I. (2018) ‘The battle for liberal democracy will be waged in cities’ - Department for Business (2013) ‘Innovation and Skills, The Smart City Market: Opportunities for the UK’, BIS Research Paper No. 136, - ESCI-KSP (2016) ‘Busan u-City and Haeundae Smart City Test-bed’ - European Commission (2013) ‘Smart Cities’, Digital Single Market Policy, 14 (10) at: Title:
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